Montessori Method

Dr.Maria Montessori
Montessori Philosophy
The Montessori method is one of the oldest methods of progressive education, rooted in the belief that children have an innate desire and motivation to learn. What sets Montessori apart from other progressive pedagogies is the unique curriculum, which is supported by didactic materials. Montessori teachers are trained to understand the lessons that correspond with each material and to guide the child through a carefully prepared environment.
Montessori education accommodates different learning styles and welcomes children to progress at their own pace. Children are free to explore the classroom environment and develop their own particular interests within each area of the curriculum. The teacher guides the child through the curriculum, supporting both the child’s strengths and areas of need. The prepared environment is Montessori’s term for a carefully organized setting for children, filled with specific materials. Children are free to move about the room, choosing their materials and work space. The environment is designed to be child-oriented, with furniture, workspaces and materials accessible and appealing to the child. Nothing is random within a Montessori environment; this careful preparation is crucial in order to provide an optimal learning environment for children.

exercises of practical life

Life work helps a child to gain a strong sense of order. Each Practical Life material is designed to foster a child’s ability to concen- trate and build fine and gross motor coordination. Lessons are presented and arranged from left to right, top to bottom, in preparation for reading and writing.


Sensorial work increases a child’s ability to observe, compare, differentiate, reason, decide, solve problems, and all around appreciate the world at large. Materials provide children with a system, through which each child can form a basis for order and logic. The experience of order is gained through observing, touching, sorting and categorizing these Sensorial materials..


Is designed to help children with listening, reading, and writing skills. Children begin with exposure to pre-reading work, such as sound games, rhyming, and synonym / antonym concepts. Students then learn letter sounds while tracing the Sandpaper Letters, which reinforces fine motor skills needed for writing. As the lessons progress, children blend words while simultane- ously learning to spell phonetically.


Children are introduced to concrete counting concepts and numeral recognition at a young age. The unique Montessori math materials provide a solid foundation to introduce math concepts. The children begin associating numeral symbols with quantities, and continue on to work with the decimal system.The didactic materials are used to illustrate how numbers can be manipulated through the math operations..

Cultural Studies

Through the exploration of nature, people, and geography of each continent, children learn to appreciate cultures and the needs of others. Cultural Studies work introduces children to the concept of places and times around the world, by working with globes, puzzle maps, flags, and integrated animal study. Basic classification skills and nomenclature are learned through scientific lessons drawing on botany, biology, science and zoology. An early emphasis on cultural studies and peace education is a guiding principle of the Montessori Philosophy.

Creative works

Kids are exposed to different creative materials, to different creative ideas and ways of creative thinking. By doing this, teachers help kids develop the skills and confidence, encourages exploration and experimentation in a safe and nurturing environment which help them to enhance their creativity.